A note from your Webmaster
Are you signed up for the email update notification? If
not, send me your email address at cfmorrissey@earthlink.net
If you are on our email list, you will receive an email
notifying you when the website publishes a newsletter or other major
update. This will probably be about four times a year
The Email Update will be sent to "Undisclosed
Recipients" so every member will not have access to every other
member's email address.
The email will be sent FROM "La Quinta
Resort Website Update" (This address is a real address
(mine). When responded to, I will receive your email.)
The SUBJECT LINE will also say "La Quinta
Resort Website Update"
If you have any SPAM controls in place, you may need to
adjust them to allow your update
past your filters.
If you don't have filters, the email will be
accepted by your email program automatically.
If an email update is sent to an address that bounces,
the email address is removed from the list.