

Tuesday Morning at 10:00 AM

Ika conducts a weekly Members’ Briefing for members in residence at the resort. 
Any Board Members in residence at the resort will also be at the meeting.

These meetings have proved to be very successful. The meetings provide an excellent opportunity for members to be brought up to date with innovations and plans at the resort. They also provide a forum for questions, concerns, and comments that provide vital feedback to the administrative staff at the resort.

Coffee and donuts are served.



Some things never change ....................


The Big Switch

Saturday is an insane day at the resort (and at all the other timeshares on the island. You know the drill - you need to be out by 11:00. but you can't get in til 4:00. What do you do with the wine and cheese in the fridge?

Ika and the Housekeeping staff are addressing the problem on many levels. Some of the ways that Ika and her staff address these issues include:

No staff member has a day off on Saturday !
A priority listing is made for housekeeping. Units are  prepared as they are vacated.

How you can help !!

Send a fax or email to the resort lqbmanager@setarnet.aw the week before your arrival.

Let Ika know
The date and time of your arrival.

The weeks and units you will be in residence.

◊ The date and time of your departure.

This information will help Ika to create a priority list that will allocate limited housekeeping and maintenance resources most efficiently.




A Rental Program form needs to be submitted each year in order to maintain your unit in the Program. The Form can be printed from the website and must be mailed or faxed to the Resort with original signatures. The Form MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE RESORT AT LEAST 90 days in advance of the use date or it will not be accepted into the Program.

Only one form per owner is necessary each year regardless of the number of units you place in the Program.



Weeks will be accepted into Banking only 90 days or more in advance of the use date.



Re-tiling continues during maintenance weeks. Phase I is completed and Phase II is under way.
You can help us to facilitate this ongoing project ! PLEASE ! let us know if you will not be using your weeks !
Every week we have a unit or two that "no-show".  With advance notice, the materials and staff could have been scheduled to do the maintenance on more units. Contact
Ingrid or Ika to let them know that you will not be there.





When the reception desk closes at 11:00 pm, the voice mail system is activated. 
In order for a caller to access your email, he must know the extension number for the room. 
This number is posted on each phone. Let people at home know the extension number of your room.

To access the system and retrieve your message, Dial 555, then dial 7 to listen to your message. To delete your message, key in 3. Call the operator if you need assistance.

Dial 555, then dial 7 to listen to your message. To delete your message, key in 3. Call the operator to assist

Upon check-in, make sure your room phone is turned on. As usual, out-going calls can be made at any time. Phone use instructions are provided in the guest services book which is in every room.




A note from your Webmaster

Are you signed up for the email update notification? If not, send me your email address at cfmorrissey@earthlink.net 

If you are on our email list, you will receive an email notifying you when the website publishes a newsletter or other major update. This will probably be about four times a year

The Email Update will be sent to "Undisclosed Recipients" so every member will not have access to every other member's email address.

The email will be sent FROM "La Quinta Resort Website Update"  (This address is a real address (mine). When responded to, I will receive your email.)

The SUBJECT LINE will also say "La Quinta Resort Website Update"

If you have any SPAM controls in place, you may need to adjust them to allow your update past your filters. 

If you don't have filters, the email will be accepted by your email program automatically.

If an email update is sent to an address that bounces, the email address is removed from the list.